Friday, 29 April 2011

Protons, Electrons, Neutrons and Cheers

I'm round my Nan's at the minute, it's her Birthday. It's also the Royal Wedding. I think my Nan deserved more coverage.

So you know that thing in a Marriage Ceremony in a Church when the Priest says prayers? Yeah? Well after about 3 of these prayers the Priest continued speaking with "I'd like to say another prayer…" to which my 5 year old cousin replied with "Uhhh, how many more?" He also explained the whole story of the film 'Cars' to me, even after I said I'd seen it 5 times. Classic Boi.

Leading up to the Wedding in the weeks and days in which I listened to all the hype and I saw two people's faces plastered over and over on cups and t-shirts and condoms, I took a disliking to the whole Royal Wedding thing; I disliked the fact that their love seemed like it was almost being marketed. I never saw why it was so important for it to be broadcasted everywhere for hours, TV networks constantly replaying a kiss slower and slower each time... But today my opinion changed.

I kind of watched a bit of the Wedding and I kind of stayed in my pyjamas until 2:34.

When I flicked through the television channels blurred by faces of smiles and colours of flags and cheers and churches I saw it. I loved the fact that millions of people were just getting mentally excited about a wedding. If my mum, like she did a few months ago, told me someone I knew was getting married I'd probably just go "Oh, that's nice, I'll write a card" But no, today people devoted hours to just get a glimpse of a dress. I originally thought this was pretty retarded, but upon seeing how happy people were getting today I thought "Screw it, give the parrot its cracker" - That’s something I say now by the way.

I like to think the reason people focus so much on this over other weddings just down the road is because it joins the world. Cameras buzz and people tweet and laugh and it's such a brilliantly huge distraction from everything... I drank 4 Cokes today! I never drink 4 Cokes [The drug]. I think seeing this image of two happy, lovely humans in the public eye reflects on the world as a symbol of love. And although I still dislike that 'Royal Wedding Jelly Beans' are actually out there on shop shelves...

...I think it's great if people wanna go mental over a wedding; As long as you don't get 'William should have chosen me" tattooed onto your bum; Well done lady from Wales off the news this morning.

Bye. Have a great Friday! Don't tell me what to do. Sorry. I liked the Queen in yellow. Bet you did. Bye. 


  1. They were pretty batty about THE WEDDING here in America, as well. The tabloids were all over it, as well as all of those insipid celebrity TV shows. One magazine, "Women's World", had a recent headline that stated: "Royal Wedding Slimming Secrets", which makes little sense! Did you note any slimming secrets whilst watching the wedding??

    Happy birthday to your Nan, and many more!

  2. Nice one boi! Can't think of anything constructive. That Cat Empire song is growing on me though.
